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collegue is a closet smoker

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August 6, 2006
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: collegue is a closet smoker
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I have a very nice collegue. She is 31, good looking and wears quite often, although out of fashion, leather pants, which i like so much on her. Went out with her quite often over the last 2 years. Always hoped, that she lights up one day a cigarette, but she never smoked. She told me, that she never intends to start smoking. Some weeks ago I found to my big surprise an opened pack of cigarettes in her sideboard at home. Yesterday, I have have to admit I was curious, I opened her sideboard and found too a pack of cigarettes in it. Could it be, that she started smoking in her age or maybe is she a closet smoker since years? I would like to know, but don't want to tell her that I saw the cigarettes in her sideboard. What should I do?
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I wouldn’t suggest saying anything to her, unless she brings the topic up. She’ll feel like you’re stalking her. But you might try this. Arrange for an evening out with one of your friends, who “conveniently†has a smoking wife or girlfriend. Trust me, whenever I meet a woman who smokes, we instantly have a bond that doesn’t exist between me and non-smokers. If what your friend’s “other†smokes is similar enough to her cigarettes, great. Otherwise, she might have to, again “conveniently†have a pack of your friend’s cigarettes, for whatever reason. For example, one of my friends smokes only when she drinks, and she prefers menthol (which she and my daughter smoke, and I do not), so during office socials, I managed to have half a pack of my daughter’s cigarettes in my purse.

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I would say she's a closet smoker for years. Would be very strange if she started recently and hide it. However, I wouldn't tell her that you found the cigs in her sideboard. She could take it wrong and this could harm your friendship.

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December 8, 2015
Posts: 10

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` s awesome that yor daughter is a smoker. You have to be proud everytime she light a cigarette. I know ou are areally great smoking family. I hope you that nobody will stop smoking because there is nothing more important than this in life.We are all smokers here and we have to show to all tese stupid non smoker that we are happy when everybody have a smokey cigarette eetweentheir lips and suck had on it to get their dayli nicotine.....i will smoke a marboro red NOW because i really need it.I stayed to long without my cigarettes and i really miss this incredible sensation. Don tforget that all good looking person here are all marlboro smokers too.....i amhappy for you and for your daughter....

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